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Our Mission:
We bring the good service back.

Mutig stehen wir an Ihrer Seite
im Kampf gegen alle
Formen der Servicevernachlässigung.
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Our values

We act in such a way that the effects of our actions are compatible with the permanence of real human life on earth!

Hans Jonas

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Career with friends

We look forward to seeing you

We offer you an open and friendly company culture, which is permeated by mutual appreciation, open communication and respect. You'll fit in best if you're friendly, dedicated, curious and balanced, and don't value job titles.

Portfolio from Customers and Referenzen from our current projects

With a firework of creative ideas, we create unique brand experiences that appeal to your audience with every fibre and inspire and touch them with all their senses.

Strategy. Branding. Design. Implementation.
  • Earthfaces


    Schwitzhütten, Naturrituale & Coaching
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

  • BVGF e. V.

    BVGF e. V.

    Berufsverband Gesundeitsförderung e. V.
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

  • Lomi Wai Massage

    Lomi Wai Massage

    Hawaiianische Ganzkörpermassage Lomi Lomi
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

  • Helen Zilke

    Helen Zilke

    Achtsamkeitskurse & Coaching
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

  • SAJA e.V.

    SAJA e.V.

    Studien- & Arbeitsgruppe Joanna de Angelis e. V.
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

  • Reinhold Hahn

    Reinhold Hahn

    Art, Malerei, Fotografie & Skulptur
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

  • FS40 Shop

    FS40 Shop

    Interior & Accessoires Handmade
    Technologie Stack

    Shopify, React, MySQL, NGINX, Redis, Ruby, GraphQL, Memcached, OpenResty, Lua, Unicorn

  • Ina Berlin

    Ina Berlin

    Internationale Akademie Berlin (INA)
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

  • FS40 Tischlerei

    FS40 Tischlerei

    Möbel, Innenausbau & Drechslerei
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

  • Durchbruch e. V.

    Durchbruch e. V.

    Ausbildung für junge Wilde
    Technologie Stack

    CMS, Wordpress, PHP, NGINX, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, WAF

    your benefits

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    Efficient project planning

    Benefit from decades of agile project planning for apps & web design.

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    Fast implementation

    Do you have all the data you need? Yes. Then we can get started.

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    More revenue

    More visitors to your pages means more sales and liquidity.

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    Search engine optimized

    We optimize websites technically and in terms of content for the search engines.
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    Best support

    24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
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    Satisfied customers

    Im Raum Berlin haben wir die Marke von 300 aktiven Kunden überschritten.