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CMS Lungen für Unternehmer & Organisationen

Content Management Systems (CMS) Berlin

Create and manage your content independently without programming knowledge, in the form of articles, product descriptions, news, blogs, images, videos, music, graphics, tables, statistics, illustrations or other forms of content. You can use content management systems (CMS) "online" to manage websites or "offline" in your own intranet.


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CMS stands for Content Management System (content management system)

These programs are used to create, edit and organize online content. Content here means e.g. texts, images, graphics, videos, podcasts, etc. Content management systems have enjoyed great popularity for a long time, especially because they can be operated without the knowledge of programming languages due to their graphical interface. Another advantage of current CMS programs is the open source principle. Due to the openly visible source codes, the CMS can be individually adapted by companies and improved by functional extensions. Another advantage is the lower costs compared to purely commercial software.

Among the best known and most used CMS programs today are:

  • Joomla
  • WordPress
  • Drupal
  • Contao
  • TYPO3
  • Redaxo

As a rule, we are talking about web content management systems when CMS is mentioned. However, there are also other CMS programs with the help of which offline content can be managed. is used exclusively on the web is called a web content management system. Here we concentrate exclusively on CMS for the content management of websites.

Since 30 % of the Internet currently consists of WordPress websites and only 0.7 % is TYPO3-based, let's take a closer look at what a CMS offers using WordPress as an example.

When managing digital content with a content management system, the separation of layout and content is probably the biggest advantage. When creating websites, the graphical structure can be facilitated and accelerated with templates. The content of the website can be edited independently in the CMS. This is an advantage for companies that are active in the field of e-commerce. Their online shops must be constantly expanded and updated, which is possible quickly and easily thanks to the clear user interface of WordPress.

For this purpose, employees without programming knowledge can also enter and edit texts using CMS. Small and medium-sized companies are thus enabled to take over the management of their own online content without external service providers.

WordPress has been on the market since 2003. So on the internet scale, it's a dinosaur. Originally intended for the creation and maintenance of blogs, WordPress also became more and more popular with their increasing popularity. Today, WordPress has grown up, so to speak, and has developed, after numerous updates and addition of the latest plugins, into a full-fledged CMS that lacks nothing that you can expect from a state of the art - CMS. So WordPress is today, without hesitation, also suitable for complex websites and corporate blogs. Despite the large Pugin variety and the numerous customization options, WordPress offers, precisely because of the blog past, a user experience that is unparalleled in the CMS area.

CMS Systems

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CMS - Content Management Systems from one source

Manage texts, photos and graphics as well as downloads and videos of your website independently with the most important CMS systems.
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products 02

How do we work? The project process.

The foundations for the satisfactory success of the project are laid at the planning stage.
design sprints process 1
01 Initialisation of the project

First of all, a rough schedule of upcoming tasks is drawn up, which is supplemented or modified as implementation progresses.

The customer provides the design team with information about his company, the products and the market situation. Which competitors appear on the market? What are the company's favoured offers in its product range? Which market development is to be expected, which goals does the customer pursue?

All these questions determine the choice of functionalities that are implemented and represented by the software and the design.

02. conceptual design and first implementation

The scope of the offer and the functions of the design are created, content and requirements for its presentation are implemented and initially implemented on a preliminary basis. The team formulates structural and strategic alternatives to offer the client decision-making options and additional elements for the website. A market analysis completes the project so that the client objectively assesses the positioning of his company in the market, presents his brand according to the segment.

03 Start of the project
When the client places the order, the project enters the internal planning of our agency. The first tasks and processes are distributed to the project groups. The domain is registered and the host is commissioned with launching the new domain.
04. design and layout

Based on the information of the analysis, a design draft is created. The company is to be presented in a personalized way, the web technology and an adequate user guidance are implemented. The functionalities of the page are also captured in the design as a whole. The software is created in its basic structures and architecture.

Programming begins, defined functions and each component of the design are translated into a concrete program code and executed. If there is a corresponding need, a graphical user interface is set up in addition to the program. This makes it easier for the user to handle the program for testing purposes.

The text editorial team creates the content, photos and graphic elements are added. Optimization for search engines and translations are further aspects of the design of the web presence.

05. the implementation

The results are made available to the customer for interim acceptance. Upon approval, the software is implemented. The customer's existing test environment is the basis for the installation. If necessary, an adequate environment can also be realized by the provider.

The project is integrated into the existing conditions and modified if necessary. At this point of the project development the interaction with operating systems is optimized, databases are set up and the communication with other applications of the customer is realized.

Adaptation and integration into the hardware and software constellation is the condition for smooth operation and integrated functionality even of the newly added components.

06. test and first run

All functions and components are now analyzed within the framework of a test plan and corrected if necessary. Any weaknesses identified are to be modified, and the test run is repeated until the problem-free runability of the application is guaranteed.

Integrated modules and special solutions requested by the customer are tested for their function. The display in different browsers and also on various end devices is tested and adapted.

07. acceptance by the customer

Once all test procedures have been satisfactorily completed and the necessary corrections and adjustments have been made, acceptance by the customer takes place. This phase of the project also serves to record final changes and additions until finally all components of the software function smoothly. After all, the preparation of the content, the desired enhancements and conversions should meet the customer's expectations.

After creating the imprint and privacy policy, the project is ready to go online.

08. support and feedback after going online

Even after successful realization of the project, it is important for us to obtain feedback from the customer. Often it is not until day-to-day operation that it is discovered that components should still be added or improvements are possible. If questions arise, we are always available to our customers and welcome cooperation even beyond the end of the project.

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