IT Services in Berlin - ComputerButler
So that you can fully take care of your core business, your ComputerButler ensures with competent IT services in Berlin that your EDP is integrated as a powerful module in your everyday work. Whether hardware, software or services, use the complete range of IT services from a single source.
You know best: Only a properly functioning IT system allows you to work safely and efficiently. If computers are too slow, data has been lost, the connection is not correct or other problems occur, your experienced ComputerButler is immediately on the spot. Your bottom line: We come to you on site.
Our services in brief at a glance:
- Planning, implementation and support
- Maintenance and care
- security ? Anti-Virus, Anti-Spam or Firewall Solutions
Switch on the PC and off you go. Sounds easy, but it's not. Whether for home or business, your ComputerButler will get your system up and running. We don't just connect individual devices, we connect them to each other if necessary. You have bought new hardware or your company is moving. Then we are also ready to answer all your questions.
What are IT services?
The EDP process is composed of various elements. These are input, storage and output of data. ComputerButler's job here is to provide you with a system so that you can work smoothly, on the surface so to speak, with this data.
Even with simpler problems, such as difficulties with the operating system or programs, or when network connections no longer work, our qualified ComputerButler team steps in.
ComputerButler realizes these EDV services for you
- IT services in Berlin and data security
- Installation and repair of computer, notebook, tablet, scanner and printer
- Installation and configuration of telephone systems and Internet connections
- Setting up websites and servers
- Data backup and data recovery
- Computer and notebook upgrade
- Mobile solutions
- Fair maintenance contracts for hardware and software
- On-site service and support
- Remote maintenance by our expert support
Service all along the line
Especially companies need reliable solutions that exactly meet their needs. And this is where we, your service team from ComputerButler, come into play. If there are problems with computers or software, most companies turn to IT service. In most cases, it is not enough to connect computers and install the necessary programs. Instead, care and maintenance are just as important, because they are necessary to get the most out of the system.
IT service explained in brief:
The generic term information technology or IT includes hardware, software and service. Hardware includes computers, mobile devices and printers. Software includes operating systems and application programs as well as mobile apps. IT service includes services such as installations, consulting and maintenance. And also services that can be obtained via the cloud.
Your benefits:
- Confidential and professional care
- Sound experience
- Tailor-made IT solutions
- Absolute data security
ComputerButler offers companies and private customers with individual IT services in Berlin a concrete benefit. This starts with a professional planning and a reliable implementation up to the continuous support. An experienced team supports on site or via remote maintenance.
Regular maintenance always keeps the complete system up to date. Consequently, we can detect malfunctions in good time and intervene directly if necessary. With our maintenance and care, we not only protect devices, but also data effectively and reliably.
That speaks for us
Not only do you benefit from our wide range of IT services in Berlin, but also from fair pricing. The prices are individually tailored to the respective application and are discussed with each customer.
Smaller problems can also be solved conveniently and cost-effectively from a distance. For this purpose, we offer a quicksupport tool with which we can provide immediate assistance. You thus benefit from real-time support.
Our customer support is always ready to answer your questions at 030 ? 9940 4557 ? 0.
Take advantage of both our strengths and our expertise, because our motivated and qualified team knows its stuff and will address your specific concerns.