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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Berlin

Table of Contents SEO Guide

Search engine optimization is a term that is of great importance for every site owner. SEO is part of search engine marketing (SEM) and one of the most important measures next to search engine advertising (SEA). The goal of any campaign is to attract as many visitors as possible to your website and convince them to take action. For example, get them to subscribe to your newsletter or buy goods and services. If you want to earn with advertising revenue on your site, many guests are equally advantageous, as this way the advertising reaches more people and also ensures higher revenue.

Professional search engine optimization perfects the website so that it appears at the top of searches on Google, Bing and Yahoo with your chosen keywords. Google is the most important target here with a market share of over 90 %. At this point, everything from programming to content to shared networks on the internet is important. This is done through the SEO services of ComputerButler, whose trained experts are very familiar with search engines and their ranking factors and are therefore well equipped for such a task.

How relevant is SEO?

You may be wondering why search engine optimization is so important. Simply put, search engines are still the first port of call for users when it comes to finding information on a variety of topics and products. A survey conducted in June 2017 found that using search engines is the most common way people use the internet. Accordingly, a whopping 92.9 percent of respondents said they use search engines frequently or at least occasionally.

Therefore, the presence of your own company in search engines offers enormous market potential. In order for as many interested parties as possible to find your offer from Berlin on the Internet, professional search engine optimization is necessary. Studies on user behavior and search results show that the interest in the displayed items decreases from top to bottom. An analysis of Google search results illustrates that the first three results are in the spotlight.

By using a sophisticated website optimization strategy, we ensure that your content is more targeted to your potential customers. The higher each page ranks in the normal search results, the more users can access your content. This in turn increases the click-through rate and traffic.

But what principles make one site better than the others? To answer this question, it is helpful to understand how a search engine works.

How does professional search engine optimization work and how does Google rank?

Search engine optimization is used to make a website rank well in search engine results. This is essential because most internet users use a search engine to look for information on a particular topic. However, usually only the first 10 search results are considered. However, since there are many thousands of websites for almost every search query, search engines need to sort the found pages to present them to users in order of relevance. Search engines create a list of the websites that are most relevant according to search engine algorithms.

Google is a giant. What began in 1998 as a university research project in the garage has long since taken first place in the search engine market. With every query, Google uses a huge list of stored data, from the so-called index. This now comprises over a trillion data records, which are carefully compiled by scanners.

With this amount, there are thousands upon thousands of information on a single query. In order to filter out the most relevant data and provide the user with the best possible result, Google rates and lists individual entries according to popularity, severity, relevance and added value.

The bottom line is that Google wants one thing above all else: to provide users with the result they want as quickly as possible and thus satisfy them. This keeps users coming back to this search engine, so Google can then earn by selling ads. This is a simplified explanation.

In fact, the Internet is nothing more than a huge library. How does Google decide which websites appear in the top 10? Very simply (at least at first glance): factors of importance and popularity are weighted particularly heavily. The Google algorithm depends on the following aspects, among others, when evaluating a page:

  • Content: Content of the page (relevance to the search query)
  • Backlinks: Backlinks from other websites to the page (domain popularity and link popularity are important factors for SEO ranking; Google uses PageRank as an indicator)
  • Quick return to Google shortclick search results, also called pogo sticking (negative).

In other words, if you want your site to rank well in Berlin for a certain keyword, this web page should contain what users are looking for (also called a search target). If you manage to gain a certain amount of authority with the help of backlinks, you have a very good chance of ranking well.

And what areas of search engine optimization should you follow to meet these Google requirements and increase your ranking chances?

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Berlin 9

Why is SEO important? - Goals and advantages of search engine optimization

Search engine marketing and especially search engine optimization offer visible positioning in search engines like Google. Even today, search engines are the basis for gathering information from people all over the world. Especially when researching knowledge on specific topics such as health, science, product testing and review, finance, sports and business, Google & Co. is the main starting point for information gathering. Search engines like Google play an important role in the early stages of the customer journey.

SEO is a subcategory of search engine marketing and, along with SEA, the most important method you can use to make websites visible to potential customers via search engines. Search engine optimization is mainly divided into two areas: Off-page optimization (off-page SEO) and on-page optimization (on-page SEO).

Search engine optimization is a targeted process aimed at improving the ranking of a website in the results of a regular search. Therefore, the purpose of SEO is clear: the best possible positioning in the search results. However, this is far from all you can achieve with optimization. Here ComputerButler has summarized the most important SEO goals for you.

What are the goals of search engine optimization?

The goal of search engine optimization is to attract as many visitors as possible to your website with the help of regular search queries from Google and Co. To achieve this goal, you must first determine the status quo of KPIs and then improve them through targeted SEO measures.

Online visibility - If you achieve a strong position in the search results (ideally in the top 10), you become more visible.

More traffic - Higher visibility also means more visitors. This is how you reach more customers with search engine optimization.

Conversions and sales - Ideally with a large number of visitors, conversions (or number of leads) and consequently an increase in sales.

Branding and image - Who is included in the top 10 search engines for relevant search terms, is known. In this way, you also strengthen your image through optimization.

Usually, these four goals are closely related: Higher visibility means more traffic and therefore more leads, conversions and sales. Strengthening your image and branding with regular search results in Berlin is a useful side effect on which you can build further marketing efforts on the Internet.

What are the benefits of ComputerButler's search engine optimization?

SEO is not the only method in online marketing, but it is one of the most powerful and useful. ComputerButler has summarized the most important SEO benefits:

Cost-effectiveness - While SEA costs correlate with ad clicks, clicks to your website in search results are completely free to you.

Long-term orientation - Search engine optimization from ComputerButler is sustainable and long-term. A strong ranking of relevant and carefully structured keywords can be maintained persistently.

Flexible and measurable - Unlike many other marketing measures, the effectiveness of the optimization can be measured. As soon as rating problems occur, ComputerButler takes action quickly and flexibly. You can also react quickly to market changes.

A well-positioned and well-structured website is the virtual face of your company and the basis of many other online marketing measures. Search engine optimization is also an ideal starting point for SMM, PR and other purposes.

SEO - Search Engine Optimization - ComputerButler for Digital Marketing Success

If you want to attract attention on the Internet, sell products and services and try to improve the image of your brand, you can not avoid search engine optimization. Search engines are the absolute basis and partly the gateway through which users with (more or less) specific search queries get exactly where you can lead them.

SEO is a ?big puzzle? that depends on many small details. But don't worry, ComputerButler Berlin sheds light on this area and gives you helpful SEO advice. This way you can better understand the topic of search engine optimization and achieve direct success with ComputerButler. ComputerButler also focuses on the current and future importance of online marketing. As an Internet service provider and specialist in various areas of online business, we offer our successful search engine optimization (SEO) as an important part of a service package.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Berlin 10

Would you also like to achieve more reach, performance and sales with your products and services in Berlin?

Internet marketing starts with three letters: SEO is an abbreviation for search engine optimization and includes all methods that are designed to help improve the visibility of a website in search engine results. The team at ComputerButler Berlin not only has the skills of a classic advertising keyboard: whether online or offline, a creative idea or a campaign, an improvement in KPI or comprehensive brand presence - ComputerButler likes to set completely new standards.

Modern search engine optimization today has to take many different things into account. In April 2015, for example, Google's mobility factor became a ranking factor. Today at the latest, mobile optimization should be directly integrated into the SEO strategy to avoid a loss of rank in mobile search. Technical SEO also currently plays a very important role, as loading time or bounce rate can influence the ranking of the website. In addition, encryption of https sites has become a ranking factor. In general, it can be assumed that user signals are becoming more and more important for search engine optimization. This is why many people no longer talk about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), but about Search Experience Optimisation (SXO).

SEO is roughly divided into two areas: On-page and off-page optimization. Based on its general definition, the first includes all measures to improve the technical and content of the website. The second aims to improve the position of the page in search results based on reputation. This is done by creating appropriate, high-quality backlinks.

As an online marketing channel, SEO is an important discipline and should not be neglected in the overall online marketing mix. Search engine optimization is an ongoing optimization process where it usually takes a long time for the results to become visible. The actual optimization is done on the pages themselves and is called page optimization. Page popularity can be increased with OffPage Optimization. The areas are described in more detail below.

OnPage Optimization

OnPage optimization deals with all measures in the web document itself, namely the technical and content optimization of the page. Factors such as page architecture, internal links, text and metadata are required by search engines to evaluate page relevance. A common optimization method is to define a target page for a certain keyword (also: search term), which is displayed when a keyword is entered as a search result on search result pages (also: SERP). In a web document, important factors such as placement of relevant content (images, text, videos), creation of metadata and internal links are created in a way that is compatible with the search engine. This makes it easier to crawl and add a page to the search engine index. Content optimization can be done based on a keyword, but today it should be 'holistic'. This means that the topic is processed as completely as possible so that all conceivable user requirements can be met with the content. Page optimization includes technical page adjustments to improve load times and optimize content, for example. In short, everything that happens within and with the website as such.

Off-Page Optimization

In contrast to OnPage optimization, OffPage optimization deals with the popularity of the page on the Internet. In fact, we are talking about the popularity of a web page, measured by the quantity and quality of external links (also called backlinks) from other pages to a web document. Off-page optimization is an important part of search engine optimization and a big problem for webmasters because they cannot directly influence links to other web pages. Google algorithm also places certain ranking factors such as popularity of links, trust or position of the backlink on other pages in the algorithm. According to Google, there are more than 200 factors that can influence the ranking.

Using SEO Software and Tools - Basic SEO Tools and Software

Monitoring is an important part of search engine optimization. To measure and scale the success of search engine optimization, supporting tools are needed to analyze the progress of the optimization. There are several free and paid SEO analysis tools on the German market. These tools are used to analyze the optimization both on page and beyond. In addition, webmasters at ComputerButler use free web analytics tools such as Google Analytics or Google Search Console to monitor and handle visitor flow. The use of tools facilitates the monitoring of your own ranking and the identification of optimization measures.

Special tools and programs can be useful to achieve SEO goals, for example:

Ryte: Provides, among other things, a detailed analysis of the status quo of the website and related actions on the site Helps with keyword research

PagespeedInsights: Analyzes page loading speed and helps with optimization

ScreamingFrog: Checks the page with a crawler and provides useful data like external links, meta keywords or server and browser errors

Sistrix: Determines among other things the visibility of the site

SearchConsole: Provides many reports on errors and site status directly from Google.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Berlin 11

Professionalization of search engine optimization by ComputerButler

Search engine optimization as a sub-discipline of marketing was not taken seriously for a long time. With the increasing professionalization of the field, which continues to develop thanks to its own exhibitions, conferences and numerous literature, search engine optimization has matured into an integral part of online marketing. At the same time, the individual sub-sectors continued to develop, so that today there are SEO specialists at ComputerButler for specific topics such as local SEO or technical SEO. At the same time, search engine optimisation has also encompassed many areas of research, which also means that research in the field of SEO is constantly expanding.

First of all, this means search engine optimization measures that affect the position of the website in the search results. An important tool here are backlinks, i.e. links to external, professionally suitable and frequently visited websites. The higher the density of backlinks and their quality, the more likely this is to be a ranking signal for Google.

Why is SEO relevant to my business?

Because most digital users access relevant websites through search engines. Not only information, product search results and comparisons are obtained, but also details such as weather forecasts, sports results and the like are requested. Nine out of ten Internet users use the Google search engine to retrieve information.

However, the search results differ widely, as the first three search results in particular are clicked on much more often than the average. Now we know from studies in which user focus was measured by eye movements that the top search results are particularly important - and these are usually only the first three positions. Therefore, your digital strategy should be as effective as possible.

The principle is as follows: The higher the position in the search results, the greater the likelihood of conversion. Therefore, a position on Google determines the extent to which you can attract visitors. All other results are much less likely to be clicked or generally considered.

ComputerButler is one of the market leaders in the German-speaking area as an SEO service provider and supports you with proven experience.

Pure URL structure

With a short and meaningful URL, we offer the user a certain orientation, but at the same time can positively influence the SEO, through the placement of URLs. The user can immediately see what content can be found on the corresponding subpage. And the shorter the URL, the more weight is given to the words in the URL. In addition, page users can remember a short URL more easily.

However, there are some rules that must be followed here in order to maintain a clean URL structure. Unlike a meta title or meta description, unnecessary wildcards should be avoided. If you use multiple words in a URL, you need to make sure that the expressions are separated by a hyphen, as this acts as a space.

In addition, special characters or umlauts should be avoided in the URL. Umlauts are written out as oe, ae or ue, as they are not normally found on the keyboard, especially abroad.

When ComputerButler sets up the site URL structure, we always ask ourselves the following questions:

  • Does the corresponding main keyword appear in the URL?
  • Were the umlauts converted correctly?
  • Are URLs used that speak for themselves?
  • Are URLs kept as short / as long as necessary?
  • Have special characters been removed from the URL?

Use user-friendly URLs. You know those URLs that don't even give an idea of what they have prepared for visitors because of cryptic characters. So-called talking URLs make it easy for users and the search engine to quickly understand what content to expect here. This requires keywords that reflect the subject field of the corresponding domain to be part of the URL. Thus, not only the user but also the search engine can better read the opportune URL. ComputerButler also makes sure that your URLs are not too nested.

The optimization of our example URL could look like this:
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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Berlin 12

Mobile presentation

Anyone who deals with the topic of search engine optimization nowadays cannot escape the point ?mobile optimization? The mobile use of the Internet, whether smartphones or tablets, is becoming more intense every year. At the same time, access via these devices is increasing significantly year on year. Of course, usage varies from industry to industry, but overall, the general trend here is very easy to read. Moreover, this development is not only on the go - the so-called ?second screen? is also becoming more and more popular. But what is the ?mobile optimization? of websites?

Since the Google algorithm also contributes to mobile content optimization and mobile convenience has been an official ranking factor since April 2015, you should pay just as much attention to mobile optimization in search marketing as to optimization for laptop or desktop PC, depending on the industry. In some areas and segments, it may make sense to use the mobile-first strategy and gradually adapt content to the technical capabilities of the output device (the principle of progressive improvement). This method is used to play content that is adapted to the user depending on the available bandwidth, browser and end device.

In 2016, Google reaffirmed that mobile device targeting plays an important role in its algorithm. The search giant has set the mobile index as the main index of the search engine and made it necessary to optimize it for a good result in search engine marketing. AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is a format used to load mobile websites in near real-time. These pages have an extremely thin source code and are delivered via CDN (Content Delivery Networks). In German: Data is stored on a Google server so that content can be downloaded even faster.

Moreover, the Progressive Web Apps format is another way of optimizing for mobile devices. Thanks to this format, websites can be used almost like normal applications, which greatly simplifies innovative use. In addition to the Google Search Console, which Google also uses as a communication channel with the respective ?webmaster? of the website, Google provides every search engine optimizer with another free tool that is intended to provide important information about the potential of optimizing their own domain.

What should you consider when using mobile SEO?

With the so-called Responsive Design you can optimally display your website on all end devices. Thanks to the modular design of individual elements of the website, the structure can always be adapted to the size of the screen used. Thus, your site is easy to use on your desktop as well as on your mobile phone.

Set up and use AMP. With AMP (Accelerated Pages for Mobile), Google offers the possibility to customize important pages to make them faster on the go. We check if this measure suits you.

Crawling, loading time, etc. Ultimately, the same rules apply to search engine optimization for your mobile website as for a stationary website. The ability to scan, load time, error-free display and much more - all this must also be checked for the mobile site and optimized if necessary.

Tip: Google itself offers the possibility to test the mobility of your website. Use the following tool:

Remember that users have little time on the go and want to quickly and easily get what they are looking for on the mobile site. For a successful mobile website, it is important to optimize the user experience! If you want to be established on the internet, you can no longer do without a mobile site. ComputerButler therefore ensures as part of the Top10 search engine optimization that the website also works properly on mobile and complies with the general SEO rules.

Optimization of download time

How important is load time for your search engine optimization? Pagespeed has been an official SEO ranking factor since July 2018. However, in our opinion, it is much more important to clear the user data that the page receives when the load time deteriorates. This applies not only to SEO, but also to SEA (search engine advertising).

People don't like to wait, neither do search engines. Every user expects the page to load quickly and is disappointed when this waiting time is exhausted. And here Google sees it similarly: Why waste valuable resources on slow pages? With a sluggish website, you risk the success of your SEO work. Basically, we should pay attention to the following points and check them regularly:

  • Exclude resources that block site rendering
  • Reduce the load on the main thread (save time by reducing the parsing, compiling and execution of JavaScript)
  • Provide advanced image formats to enable faster image downloads

ComputerButler Berlin optimizes page speed and website load time

The SEO community even has a subsection for page speed optimization, which is designed to improve website load time. ComputerButler understands that websites that load slowly or awkwardly are a negative factor. Visitors bounce, especially because they are used to getting all the information they need from other sites very quickly.

Kurz gesagt: Eine überladene, unleserliche Internetseite schadet mehr als sie nützt. Hauptsächlich, weil immer mehr Benutzer fast ausschließlich über mobile Geräte auf Websites zugreifen. Daher ist nicht nur ein Responsives Webdesign erforderlich, sondern auch eine Optimierung, um die Anforderungen dieser Zielgruppe genau zu erfüllen.

When we perform search engine optimization based on page speed or website load time, we use the 3-second rule. Google PageSpeed provides information on average performance. ComputerButler increases the likelihood that your visitors will stay on your website as long as possible. This not only increases the relevance for Google, but also the likelihood that guests will become customers.

Action #1: Page Speed Optimization (PSO) - because long load times really kill conversion. These days, it's no secret that getting to websites quickly is crucial for users. No one likes to wait for anything. That's why ComputerButler assumes an upper limit of 3 seconds for startup time. And even if this 'three-second rule' is only half the truth, Google is driven by the ongoing mobile boom, which requires a fast load time. Here it is better not to be among the slugs of the internet!

With the free Google PageSpeed Tool, you can check the speed of individual web pages or the average performance of the entire website. This tool not only gives you the download speed, but also offers you specific optimization suggestions with which you can increase the loading speed of your page - for both the desktop and mobile version.

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ensure safety

Websites with SSL encryption have become a fixed standard, which must also be taken into account in search engine optimization. A page with an SSL certificate clearly speaks of the site operator, namely that the content on the screen is secure. In 2014, Google endorsed HTTPS as a ranking signal. If you haven't done so yet, make sure you switch to HTTPS, preferably sooner rather than later. Google sees it the same way and can penalize your SEO efforts by lowering your ranking and thus organic visibility due to your website's lack of security.

Ensure secure data connectivity using SSL

In view of the growing need for private and professional data protection, https should be understood as the new standard. Almost every browser now issues a warning for websites that can still be accessed via simple http. Therefore, start with search engine optimization by integrating an SSL certificate to provide https connections. From practical experience, we know that bounce rates are much higher for sites without SSL encryption. This not only reduces the likelihood of a leading role, but also negatively affects your ranking on Google.

Choose the right keywords and topics

The foundation of your search engine optimization is to research, evaluate, review and expand relevant keywords or topics.

Search for keywords

The goal in keyword research is to understand users as accurately and comprehensively as possible. Finding the right keywords often involves gathering your own ideas, using key tools, and researching competitor websites. The first step should be to research the broadest list of keywords in this way. We have compiled a number of keyword research tools. ComputerButler has already arranged some basic tools for your search query here:

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Google Trends
  • Google Suggest function and as Ubersuggest or Hypersuggest tool

The choice of the appropriate search terms lies in the decision of the management. The selection of adequate search terms directly affects the probability of a good positioning.

2. evaluation of search terms

The next step is to evaluate search terms. ComputerButler Berlin is used for this purpose:

Quantitative analysis: How often is a search query searched on Google and other search engines? What is the user's intention when entering a search query? Is he looking for information (information orientation), a certain company or brand (navigation orientation) or is he looking to buy (transaction orientation)? Is the term always current with a constantly high search volume? Typical evergreens are weather, route planner, online marketing. Is the term an event with regularly recurring volume. Typical results are World Cup, iPhone or annual horoscope. At what stage does the user make a purchase decision? If the user is still in a very early research stage, he is looking for comparative content or is about to start a transaction.

To develop a keyword strategy, ComputerButler walks you step-by-step through your relevant content, from awareness to action (conversion) to nurturing. Further criteria for the evaluation of a search query:

  • Competitive situation
  • Volume
  • Possible conversion rates (from SEM experience)
  • Plural or singular
  • Synonyms
  • Optimisation potential (wording, CI recommendations)
  • Trends
  • Seasonal fluctuations
  • Strategic importance

Negative criteria: Competitors' brand names, forbidden terms, terms with too many words or characters

3. review and extension of search terms

At this point, it makes sense to regularly check the list you created in the previous step. Since Google no longer provides exact figures in its keyword planner since June 2016, it is useful to first check your terms using Google ads for search terms that are particularly relevant for search engine optimization.

For example, we want to know:

What features of the product or USP will convince your users?

How high the conversion rates are for your search.

What is the exact scope of the search for specific terms.

What is the click-through rate (CTR) for different ad texts?

Keyword research

Good keyword research is the absolute foundation of any search engine optimization. It does not matter whether ComputerButler optimizes locally or nationally. Especially with the keyword research, the wheat is separated from the chaff. With great effort and careful preparation of the campaign, ComputerButler lays the foundation for the later success of your entire search engine marketing.

We actually distinguish keywords in the following areas:

Transaction Search: These are search queries that lead to a transaction. This can include booking, subscribing and downloading software. Please do not confuse them with commercial searches.

Information Search: With these search queries you satisfy the thirst for knowledge, i.e. the user needs information with which he is satisfied.

Commercial Search: These are searches that have a clear intent to buy.

Navigation Search: With these search queries, the user tries to go directly to specific pages of the website. Often these search queries also lead to brand traffic, as they are often used for the brand.

Brand Search: All these search queries contain the brand keywords of the corresponding page. These can only be keywords or combinations of other keywords.

Local Search: All search queries relating to a city or region are implied here. Especially for regional service providers, these search terms are often crucial for the success of a company.

It's better to rank 1st for a niche keyword with less search volume than 34th for a keyword with high search volume! However, since it is much harder to get a competitive keyword in search engine optimization, you should focus on less competitive keywords with lower search volume and high conversion probability, especially at the beginning of SEO work, since it is much easier for you to get traffic here.

Please note that when optimizing keywords, you should not neglect the added value for the user. The user should be the focus here and not left behind.

Use metadata cleverly and optimize fragments

Every URL has so-called metadata, which consists of a metatitle and a meta description. Here you will find data prepared for Google and read by crawlers, so that you can better categorize your website by topics. Here is the important information in a compact form:

Meta Title: What exactly is the purpose of the website? This information is displayed in several characters from about 50 to 70. In Google search results, this is the title of the page.

Meta Description: Here the content is summarised and described, i.e. in particular the added value is formulated from which users benefit.

Please note: Good search engine optimization is based on the creation of appropriate meta tags for each URL. They are used in search results in the form of fragments, i.e. small sections of text. The more specific we are here, the better. Ultimately, these are the only details that the user decides on: Click or Continue Searching?

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Young people in real authentic life

Great content deserves the best places in search results

Among other things, the Panda update, which was first released in February 2011, ensures that pages with low-quality content achieve worse ranking results than those that offer users real added value. Meanwhile, the Panda update is an essential part of Google's core algorithm. So rely on quality content! But what is a ?quality content?

Try to put yourself in your users' shoes. Does your visitor get the information they want when they search? The more accurately and / or originally you meet the user's needs with your content, the more likely Google is to reward you for ranking well. Profitable content is characterized by the following features:

  • sensibly structured by headings and paragraphs
  • thematically selected graphics and images
  • unique content
  • Answers user questions holistically
  • Writing style for the target group
  • not only contains keywords, but also explains them if necessary
  • perfect grammar and spelling

Added value through high quality content

You know the famous saying "Content is King! Because this statement basically describes what is important on the Internet. You need to create unique, carefully researched content to rank higher in Google search results. Back in 2011, when the Panda update was announced, this was abundantly clear. Google clearly stated that websites with bad content also have a corresponding rating.

Therefore: here it is better to do it right and do it well, than just publish and hope that this is associated with effective search engine optimization. It is useful to look at changing perspectives to view your own website from a user's point of view. What specifically would you be looking for? What information is important?

High-quality content is characterized by this:

  • answer questions for the readers, no new questions arise (except impulses);
  • speaks directly to everyone they really mean;
  • written and structured according to the target group;
  • unique and offers additional value;
  • Has headings, paragraphs, facilitators and such to make reading easier;
  • works with graphics, videos, etc. - create information as an experience

Of course, search engine optimization with content can only be successful if the content is grammatically sound and written without errors. The more you focus your offer on the customer, the more likely it will be reflected in key performance indicators.

Agglomerieren Sie das, was Ihre Klienten suchen. Zeigen Sie ihnen, welche Unterstützungsfunktionen Sie übernehmen können. Damit Ihre Texte nicht nur auf dem Desktop leuchten, sondern auch auf Mobilgeräten gut aussehen, müssen Sie für Ihre Website ein Responsives Design verwenden. Mit dieser Anwendung wird die Präsentation Ihrer Seite automatisch an das entsprechende Endgerät angepasst.

Strong content for effective search engine optimization

If you deal with the topic of content on the Internet, sooner or later you will read the phrase 'content is king!'. Even if you have heard this statement a thousand times, it sums up the importance of high-quality content for website success. Google increasingly relies on information derived from content to classify and rank websites.

What is content? Content or content refers to all types of content on the internet, i.e. text, images, videos, graphics and more. All content that conveys information is of fundamental importance. Texts play a particularly important role here, as they are analyzed very carefully by search engines.

Content strategy - What do you want to achieve with your content?

ComputerButler Berlin develops a consistent strategy for your search engine optimization. We identify important keywords and know exactly which topics your texts should work with. Planning the website architecture (silos, etc.) also provides clarity regarding the content strategy.

Optimisation and creation: This creates content that is suitable for search engine optimisation

Based on a content audit and a content strategy, you can now decide which texts you want to have on your website or which ones you should edit in the context of search engine optimization based on SEO criteria. There are several aspects to consider here. First, however, we need to take seriously the most important SEO trend of 2020, which has a significant impact on your content: User Intent.

Important SEO KPIs

SEO is not as complex and technical as it may seem at first glance. Gut feeling is rarely a good SEO advisor, because data alone makes the strengths and weaknesses of a campaign visible. Therefore, it is always worthwhile to continuously measure all important SEO metrics and get strategy tips from experienced experts. KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator - a performance indicator. The success of SEO measures can be measured by the KPI. These are the most important indicators:

  • Click-through-rate (CTR)
  • Bounce rates
  • Time on the page
  • Keyword evaluation
  • Download speed
  • Search traffic

Google Quality Guide and user intent

In the past, web pages were included in the index by submitting the URL of the corresponding web page. Subsequently, the search engines in question sent a web crawler to analyze the page and index it if necessary. Nowadays, registration with search engines is no longer required. Search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo can also find new websites in no time. However, experts recommend registering a new site with tools like Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tools. They provide reports and features to improve your visibility, inform you of problems, and view your internet site from a search engine perspective.

Google has issued general recommendations for webmasters. If we follow them, they can crawl, index and rank your website more easily. In addition, the so-called quality guidelines describe illegal SEO measures, also called search engine spam.

Search engine spam characterizes all methods of manipulating ratings in search engines. If you use this type of SEO measure, there is a risk that your visibility in search results will be constantly reduced. In the worst case, your website will be completely blocked from the Google index. Basically, you can (almost) always remove Google's penalties at any time by removing the reason for the penalty and sending a reconsideration request. You can submit a reconsideration request in the Google Search Console.

In the vernacular, illegal optimization, including undesirable methods, is often referred to as Black Hat SEO (Black Hat Search Engine Optimization). The opposite is the white hat search engine optimization.

Examples of illegal link building methods, also called link spam:

  • Farm link, for example, development of a user blog network with expired domains
  • Purchase of links, also in the form of sponsorship and product rewards
  • Participation in guest article networks
  • Automatically create links using comments on blogs, forums, etc.
  • Participation in link exchange programmes (isolated link exchange is usually not a problem)
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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Berlin 14

The main differences between SEO and SEA

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a part of Search Engine Marketing (SEM). The second sub-area in Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is Search Engine Advertising (SEA) like Google Ads or Bing Ads. Normally, you always try to find users with search engines that have special needs.

Billing system: Google Ads has a variable billing model (CPC). Search engine optimization is not free, but differs in the form of billing, which is mainly associated with the project.

Effect: Google Ads is performance driven and has clear metrics (impressions, CPC, CTR, RPC) with precise costs. Search engine optimization is more of a longer-term job. By combining many reasonable measures, you increase the probability of good positions - however, no one can guarantee you high positions.

Keyword strategies: SEO focuses on specific relevant search terms or clusters of search terms. Paid search can also bid on related search queries even if they have a low Google Ad Quality Score. In the end, this is where conversion is considered. An example of an expanded keyword strategy: important terms for us are SEO services or SEO services, for example. However, we expand the application of our own services with terms such as SEO help, SEO service, etc. via Google Ads.

SEO versus AdWords keyword strategies to implement advanced keyword strategies.

First, briefly our own definition of SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) includes all strategies and tactics to be represented in optimal positions in major search engines for relevant search terms or topics of the corresponding pages. These efforts generate meaningful revenue for the company.

Relevant search engines are not only Google or Bing. Besides the Google core index, vertical search services like Google News, Google Images or Google Maps (local SEO) can also be helpful. Search engines like optimization for Amazon (Amazon SEO), Jameda, Monster, Slideshare or Youtube or Stepstone can also be important for search engine optimization.

Check your search engine optimization with the right SEO and analytics tools:

What are the right search terms for you -> Relevance

How visible is your website in the search results in comparison to your competitors -> Range

Which positions do you have with (relevant) search terms -> Reviews

What is the click-through rate (CTR) on search engine results pages (SERP) -> Reply

How do users behave based on the search terms entered on your site -> Reaction

Do all measures of search engine optimization lead to the obvious achievement of economic values -> Results

Why is search engine optimization so important?

Stage song model - Search engines can be used to reach potential clients in the early stages of the journey during pre-purchase research. But also potential clients with special buying interest search Google & Co. for suitable suppliers. Therefore, SEO and SEA play a very important role in the (online) marketing mix.

What is the difference between SEO, SEA and SEM? Search Engine Marketing (SEM) as a general term for SEO and SEA

SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing. Two different definitions of the term SEM and search engine marketing are used worldwide. Some refer to search engine marketing or SEM as paid advertising in search engines, while others define it as a general term for SEO and SEA or search engine advertising. ComputerButler follows the second definition because it makes more sense to us.

SEM (Search Engine Marketing) consists of elements of SEA (Search Engine Advertising) and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO deals with organic search results, while SEA means paid text ads in search engines.

The importance of search engines for content distribution

People looking for information on the Internet have many options to begin their search. Here are some options:

  • Google, T Online Search, Search (all based on Google index)
  • Yahoo
  • Bing, AOL Search (all based on the Bing index)
  • Amazon
  • Youtube
  • XING
  • Voice search or digital assistants (Alexa, Google Now, Siri, Cortana ?)

Most information searches are currently done on Google and the YouTube search engine, but search engines such as Amazon or digital assistants have grown significantly in recent years. On the other hand, companies need to consider where their target audiences are looking for information or where they can reach them with the help of their content.

In general, the importance of SEO for content distribution can not be determined, because it depends on many factors. Where are which commonalities and in which intensity and quality are they used for the distribution of content.

The following factors can play a decisive role:

  • Content format
  • Current popularity, credibility and reputation of the brand
  • Push or pull content
  • Current domain
  • Up-to-date coverage of your own social networks
  • Target definition
  • Target group
  • The current section of your own mailing list

The difference between tactical and strategic SEO

When someone talks about search engine optimization today, they are switching between two levels that work together.

The strategic search engine optimization and the tactical search engine optimization.

On a tactical level, measures are taken to optimize content, make technical optimizations for scanning and indexing, prevent duplicate content and optimize fragments. On a strategic level, you need to create a digital entity for Google in the form of a website and increase the importance of the entity and thus the authority of the domain. Although search engine optimization is tactical, with the introduction of the Knowledge Graph, Hummingbird algorithm, Panda and Penguin updates, strategic search engine optimization has clearly become a priority.

Modern search engine optimization has the following tasks:

  • Technical search engine optimization
  • Content creation and optimization
  • Off-Page Optimization
  • Optimization of the navigation / information structure and internal links
  • Improve user behavior

Not all of these SEO tasks can be clearly divided into tactical or strategic search engine optimization. The main goal of link building in the form of creating units and increasing credibility remains a strategic goal. Thus, link building is in the strategic search engine optimization. In terms of content, you can also distinguish between tactical content marketing and strategic content marketing.

Common problems with search engine optimization

From an SEO perspective, there are always typical website problems that can be fixed with optimization measures. It can be, for example:

  • The website is not sufficiently linked to other websites.
  • You have just published a website and the page cannot be crawled or rated yet.
  • The site structure prevents search bots from effectively crawling the page content.
  • When you try to crawl a site, an error message is displayed.
  • Information, for example in robots.txt or meta robots tags, block the crawling or indexing of a site by search robots.
  • Duplicate content makes it difficult to crawl and evaluate related content
  • The content does not serve the search purpose of the user
  • Content is not relevant
  • The website is not suitable for mobile devices.

Tasks of tactical search engine optimization

Typical tactical SEO tasks are technical optimizations to improve crawling and indexing of user behavior, optimization of content and link structure or off-page optimization.

Technical search engine optimization to optimize crawling and indexing

Technical optimization is a typical area of responsibility for tactical search engine optimization. Technical search engine optimization enables the smooth retrieval (scanning) of content and storage (indexing) of content and guarantees a fast and uninterrupted use of the website.

Crawling is the first step of a search engine like Google to recognize content. This is done with the help of so-called bots or scanners that search for content on the Internet. Bots follow links, domains and URLs and respond to entries in the Search Console or Chrome browser. The second stage is to prepare the content for indexing. This process is called parsing. This is followed by indexing. In the fourth stage, the indexed content is presented to the user. In addition to HTML, CSS and Java Script are also executed. This process is called rendering.

Conclusion: SEO is worth the time and money!

SEO is time consuming and worth the money, but it is worth it in the long run and is sustainable, bringing in many new customers that you have never known before. Keeping up with all of this is no easy task. Anyone who does will get a spot in the top search results. However, those who cannot meet all the elements in the article should not despair. According to Andrei Lipatsev, Google's lead search quality strategist, top-notch quality and link building are the two most important criteria Google uses to position the site. Those that can't cover all points at once have useful starting points. However, the basis of these two aspects is also an analysis of customer identity, competition and marketing objectives.

With the advancement of AI such as Google RankBrain and the constant updating of algorithms, new tasks continue to appear for anyone fighting for high positions on the internet. No one should fear that the requirements for a good Top10 ranking will increase with the growing complexity of AI solutions and strategies.

We hope that with our article we can show you that search engine optimization is not rocket science. Good organic visibility on Google always means a lot of hard work. The first thing we should think about is the user, who needs to find something and has certain expectations. However, if we meet the user's hopes, search engines will reward you with extremely valuable traffic to your website.


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