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Configure iMac

Choosing the best computer for daily tasks or running a small business or an entire company can be a hectic task. There are many computer systems to choose from, with Apple products standing out for the perfect combination of hardware to meet the user's needs and requirements with ease.

However, choosing an Apple computer (iMac) is difficult. Apple offers different iMac configurations depending on the needs, budget and specifics of the iMac. If you live in Berlin and are looking for a computer to meet your daily computing needs, ComputerButler is the place to go. Our company provides you with the best technicians to configure the iMac for your personal or business needs.

The steps to configure your iMac are critical. Apple provides several options to configure the iMac in the best possible way so that you can customize it for your daily computing needs. Our company is the top service provider and consultant for configuring Apple products to give users a seamless transition experience with little effort. ComputerButler offers the following iMac configuration services and recommendations, specifically for your needs.

Display size

The Apple iMac is an all-in-one computer without additional modules. It consists of small modules integrated on the inside of the display enclosure. However, the size of the display depends on the requirements and the type of work to be done on the iMac. The first step in configuring iMac is to select the display size.

The iMac comes in two screen sizes, 21.5 inches and 27 inches. Our consultants analyse your basic needs and the type of work that will be done with the iMac. This allows the user to make a much wiser choice. If you are a graphic designer, a digital illustrator or an architect, then the 27-inch iMac is the best choice for you. However, if you are a businessman, run a small business, or work from home, the 21.5-incher might be a better choice. However, the display is not the only factor.

Processor and cores

The iMac still comes with Intel chipsets with different cores, ranging from dual-core to 6-core processors. The choice of processor and cores is crucial depending on how much and how intensive the computing power is needed for the work. ComputerButler analyzes the user's workflow, determines the need for computing power and then suggests the optimal processor variant of iMac for your daily routine and work.

Memory and storage

Memory and storage are critical and play an essential role when you are configuring the iMac. The iMac supports DDR3 and DDR4 RAM types for a reassuring and fast experience, depending on your usage. The SSD type memory also contributes to the speed and processes that allow your iMac to multitask most efficiently and with ease. These configurations sometimes cause difficulties as most users have little idea about the memory and processor specifications and their capabilities. This is where our ComputerButler Berlin comes into play. We continuously work to identify the needs of our users to choose the most suitable variant with memory and storage specifications, so that you can keep calm and choose your iMac more easily.


Price is the deciding factor when buying a computer or any other device. The users are not informed enough about the cost and importance of the price. Our company analyzes the budget of the user or the company to select the best iMac with the most affordable price. This ensures that the iMac you buy is perfect for your use and budget friendly. ComputerButler in Berlin ensures that we guide the user every step of the way to buy a suitable iMac.

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Christiane Rudelsberger

When the IT systems do not work, it is important to have a partner who works extremely reliably, competently, flexibly and results-oriented. The friendliness, professionalism and discipline of the employees, especially when dealing with sensitive data, should be emphasized very positively. Colleagues and partners, to whom I have recommended ComputerButler, could convince themselves of these abilities and the way of working. The company ComputerButler is a valuable partner and I can always recommend them?

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